An update on my new indie horror project

A screenshot of my new indie horror project
A screenshot of my new indie horror project

Since my last update there were lots of changes to the game world of my new indie horror project. I have been busy finding different assets that work together and that fit the atmosphere of the game. I am thinking of releasing a alpha footage trailer of the game soon. The soundtrack of the game might also be shared soon.

The game world consists of multiple areas that are designed by me. I am thinking of making the world dynamic, meaning that these areas can change each time you walk by. I want to implement this feature to make players feel disoriented besides creating a feeling of unease and of not knowing where you are. Even when you are just walking forward for a time and then walk straight back the path might be different. This plan is still in the idea phase though, it could be a pain to implement this feature into the game. I do think it will look very cool when finished.

Interesting areas

I have encountered multiple issues with the lighting of the game. I wasn't used to working with the lighting in Unity so it took a lot of trail and error to get it right. Fortunately, the documentation on Unity is great so it didn't take a very long time to figure everything out.

Creepy random places

The screenshots do not do the VHS effect justice. There might still be a few tweaks here and there as the effect doesn't really look good when using it in combination with dimly lit areas of the game. I am also a bit worried that the VHS effect might become a bit annoying for various reasons.

Fallout inspired areas

The game will be set in the desert. I think that it emphasises the feeling of isolation I want people to feel. I took a lot of inspiration from the Fallout games for designing the different area's. The screenshot above perfectly shows this. I really like the Fallout games and I think their approach to world design is one of the best. You always encounter interesting places that bring up questions of what might have happened there.

Please keep in mind that this is still very early footage of the game. A lot of places have also already been changed by some extend. I still have to implement lots of features, the focus right now is on the visual design of the game. Some logic to make everything feel more lively comes later.

I really think that this indie horror game is coming along quite nicely. It is just still really early in development. The world still requires lots and lots of work. Especially if I decide to implement the dynamic world feature as this would increase the amount of areas I would have to create dramatically.

As I have said previously. There might be alpha footage trailer soon and the soundtrack is currently being worked at. I am really looking forward to the result of the soundtrack as I took the inspiration from one of the best soundtracks of a old horror game. I just hope it will fit the game.

Make sure to sign up below to keep updated on this new indie horror game. Also checkout my previous post on this project here: My New Indie Horror Project.