Game Development Languages

Game Development Languages
Another unused asset

If you are thinking about making a game without any prior programming experience it is very important to think about what programming language you are going to use. Different kinds of game engines all make use of different game development languages.

Popular game development languages

Popular game development languages
One of the most popular programming languages for games is c++, this is a very powerful programming language although it is not beginner friendly. Game engines are often written in c++ for the enormous performance of the code. This language is often used in the development of AAA titles because of this. Development of games using c++ can take a lot longer though. It is not a beginner friendly language because of its complexity.

Another popular game development language is c# (csharp), this is the language that Unity uses for its scripting. It is easier to use than c++ but also isn't as performant as c++. I would call this a intermediate programming language as it also isn't the most beginner friendly choice to go with.

A programming / scripting language that is gaining popularity in recent times is JavaScript. JavaScript is beginner friendly enough. It isn't as easy as a visual scripting language or system like the one Construct 3 uses but it isn't as hard as something like c#. The main downside to using JavaScript is the performance of the language. It is noticably a lot slower than c# and c++.

Beginner friendly game development languages

Beginner friendly game development languages
Besides JavaScript, Python could be a great choice as your first language. Just like JavaScript beginners can learn programming concepts with this language without the hassle of complex syntax. Pygame is a module proivdes modules that help with making a game. It is a full game engine that does a lot of the heavy lifting for you. It does not provide a easy to use IDE (integrated development environment) though what could make it a lot more challenging.

Lua is also a very beginner friendly game development language. It does not require too much learning and there are a lot of resources online that can help you if you get stuck. Lua is used by Defold for its scripting. If you decide to make a game using Lua I can really recomment Defold. It is a open source engine that is intuitive to use.

Specialized game development languages
An example of a specialized game development language is GDScript. It is a programming language specifically designed for the Godot Engine. There is good documentation for GDScript and it is also a scripting language that is easy to use. Just like the other beginner friendly game development languages this language isn't as challenging to learn as c# or c++.

Another example of a specialized game development language is the scripting language / system of Construct 3. They provide a visual scripting system that makes it very easy to build the functionality that you are looking for. This was also the engine I choose to build my first games with and I absolutely loved it. It didn't take much time to create my first games as I was always a bit intimidated by the complexity of "real" programming languages.

The right game development language

Choosing the right language for your game
It can be very difficult to weigh the different pros and cons of the different languages that exist. It is mainly dependent on; your experience level and your project. As a complete beginner I wouldn't start with a very ambitious project that requires a lot of performance. This is a recipe for disaster. I have often found myself in ambitious project that just didn't went anywhere as the complexity of the programming language didn't match my experience. Working on a project like that is very discouraging as there will be hardly any progress.

Conclusion game development languages

In summary, the right programming language can make or break you in your programming journey. While a language like c++ offers enormous performance it isn't a beginner friendly option. The steep learning curve will most likely discourage you. My advice is, start simple and learn the basics of programming. Gradually take on more ambitious projects as you learn and do not let your ambition discourage you.