How to make smooth stone in Minecraft? (2024 Guide)

Are you wondering how to make smooth stone in Minecraft? Do not worry, help is here. In this post I will explain how you can make smooth stone in Minecraft.

How to make smooth stone in Minecraft? (2024 Guide)

Are you wondering how to make smooth stone in Minecraft? Do not worry, help is here. In this post I will explain how you can make smooth stone in Minecraft. It is a very easy process if you know how to acquire everything that is needed in order to make smooth stone. There are multiple ways to obtain smooth stone in Minecraft. I will go over some of the easiest methods.

Create Smooth Stone in a Furnace

In Minecraft you are able to make smooth stone by smelting cobblestone in a furnace. In order to create the smooth stone you just need two things. It is actually a very easy process once you know what you will need to do in order to acquire it.


Mine some stone to get cobblestone

You will first need to acquire some cobblestone. You can get cobblestone by mining the smooth stone that is randomly generated in the world. This cobblestone will have to get smelted in order to get stone. If you have already got some stone laying around you can skip this step.

Coal, Charcoal or Wood

There are multiple ways to gather the fuel for the furnace. You can mine coal ore which will give you pieces of coal. You can also use charcoal, which can be made by smelting wood logs in a furnace. Besides coal and charcoal you can also use your old wooden tools as fuel for the furnace. Wooden planks will also work as fuel for your furnace.

A Furnace

How to craft a furnace

To create smooth stone in Minecraft you will also need to craft a furnace. You can craft a furnace by placing 8 pieces of cobblestone around the edges of the crafting table.

Making Stone

Use the furnace to get stone

The next step is to put the cobblestone in the furnace togheter with some pieces of coal or some pieces of charcoal or wood. The smelting process will begin and you will be left with some stone. As I have said before, if you have already got some stone laying around somewhere you can skip this step.

Making Smooth Stone

Smelt stone to get smooth stone!

The final step in the process of making smooth stone will be putting the stone into the furnace. By smelting the stone using a fuel source like coal, charcoal or wood you will be left with smooth stone! As you can see, obtaining smooth stone in Minecraft is actually a very easy process once you know the steps required.

Other Method

There is another method that can be used. This method will be a end-game method and requires you to have already acquired some time in the game. It essentially enables you to skip a step in the process of making smooth stone.

Silk Touch Pickaxe

If you have already gotten a silk touch pickaxe in Minecraft, obtaining smooth stone will be a breeze. By using the silk touch pickaxe you do not need to smelt the cobblestone first, which can save you lots of fuel. You can put the obtained stone directly into the furnace to make smooth stone.

Final Thoughts

This was the complete guide of making smooth stone in Minecraft. It is a very easy process, you just need to know the steps to create it. Good luck making smooth stone in Minecraft! To keep updated with useful guides like this one please consider subscribing to my blog. I will make sure to post more interesting guides like this one. You can subscribe by leaving you email address in the box below.