The soundtrack of my new indie horror game

Recently I have made a soundtrack for the game. The soundtrack was inspired by the intro theme of Resident Evil Gaiden. The original soundtrack was a really fun and energetic track that I always wanted to see remade. That is why I comissioned a musical artist to recreate the song. I think it turned out really well.

Making the video proved to be quite the challenge. Due to the TV screen effect in the game the output video appeared very laggy. I had to downscale the video to 720p to make it appear more visually appealing without the constant lagging in the video. I will still have to conduct some tests to find out wether or not this is all due to the effects or not.

Behind the scenes the development of the game is still going strong. The creation of the world is coming along. Unfortunately I was more busy with the soundtrack and the creation of different social media channels to share the content on. This week I plan to build the world out even further. There is still much work to be done.

I am currently playing around with a fog effect for the game. I am trying to recreate a Silent Hill style fog into the game. It is proving to be quite challenging though. The fog effect causes objects in the distance to be lit up what defeats its purpose. I will make sure to post a update especially on the fog effect soon.

To keep updated on the development of my new indie horror game, make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and to create a account on this site to never miss an update.